For me personally, I love shopping with The Real Real online because of the number of brands they carry. They aren’t “brand snobs” like some places who only have strict guidelines what they allow to consign and sell in their store. I love how at 10am in the morning, new arrivals come on and you can see the latest luxury goods for the picking, an assortment of handbags, accessories, clothes, and even furniture & jewellery. When you sign up for an account which is free to do so, you get a 25 dollar credit to use to any purchase on the site.
I am very careful when it comes to shopping luxury consignment and getting a company you trust is very crucial. If you have shopped and consigned with The Real Real before, then you have a pretty good idea what I am getting at here. What makes it coinvent is they have a great return policy. Even if something is marked “Final Sale” if something happens to be wrong with the listing, or not as described they will refund you. All you must do is contact them and tell them your issue. The customer service team is very effective at helping you in a timely manner.
I have put together a few reason why The Real Real is the number one place to shop luxury consignment. And a few items that I think would make great purchases for any consignment lover.
They have brands under 100 dollars
Granted the item might be on sale for this. But it’s great to have a budget friendly price point for customers since this gives options.
There is always unique finds
I am all about this unique find of a jacket from Saint Laurent. It has a tough look while still being completely feminine.
They Sell Jewellery
This Hermes leather Micro Kelly Bracelet is a steal and classic piece for only 300 dollars. And it can go with anything and look so chic.
Vintage is a plus
I love these eye catching gold earrings from Chanel. They are actually clip on which is so fun and vintage. And they go with any outfit for a bit of a dressy look.
They have Jeans
Jeans alone are difficult to find consignment and I feel these beauties from Saint Laurent would match that awesome jacket to make a lovely outfit.
Let's get some Shoes
These boots from Burberry scream femininity and glamour at the same time. And they have just that right detail to not overpower the look.
I have been the Real Real in NYC and it is on another level. The more expensive pieces are there. And yes they really do a good job of authenticating. The website has the more affordable items. Great review and discussion here.
ReplyDeleteAllie of
I love the Real Real, the one in NY is awesome.
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