Can You Ensure Everything Is Perfect For Your Big Day?

Wedding Advice in 2024

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Is your big day coming up? First, we want to say congratulations because that is super exciting. There is so much to plan and sort out, but take a moment to take in the bliss you are feeling right now, and then you can start worrying about the wedding itself. The good news is that if you are already starting to stress about getting everything sorted, you do not need to. More than anything, you need to prioritise what is most important to you about your wedding day and then you can move forward. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that may make it onto that list to give you some help.

Your Dress And Others

Wedding Dress and Bridesmaids
Photo: Inside Weddings 

The first thing that we want to talk about is your dress and the dresses that other people may be wearing. Of course, you cannot control what your guests are going to wear, and there is no reason for you to try. What you can control though is your dress, your bridesmaids dress, and anyone else in your bridal party. If you have younger girls or teenagers at your bridal party, you need to think carefully about what you would like them to wear. Perhaps it might be worth looking into some evening dresses for teenage girls, or younger girls with them so that they can have an input.

It’s always nice to let other people have an input in what they are wearing, but we understand that this is your special day. We know that your bridal party would appreciate it though, so they felt as though their opinions were being heard.

The Perfect Venue

The Perfect Wedding Venue in UK
Photo: White Stag Wedding Photography 

Another thing that we want to mention is that you want to have the perfect venue for you. You don’t want to settle for something less than perfection when it comes to your venue for several reasons. The first is that you will then not be able to have the perfect backdrop for your wedding photos. The venue that you choose is going to lend itself to these photos, meaning that you need to ensure that it looks incredible, or else the photos won't turn out the way that you want them to.

Not only this, but this is your special day. You don’t want to spend all day somewhere that you don’t want to be, so it’s a good idea to ensure that you try to book as early as you can to avoid disappointment. Check out a few different places that you like the look of online, but make sure you view them before you book, as things always look different in person.

Food Everyone Will Love

Wedding Food Everyone Will Love
Photo: Whimsical Wonderland Weddings

You’ve got to try and ensure that you are catering for every single person at the meal, which can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Make sure that you are asking for any dietary requirements long before the day so that you can ensure that you can cater to anyone who has any allergies, intolerances or dietary restrictions. Generally, though, you might not be able to cater to absolutely everyone, ensuring there is something that they like. Just do your best, get the food that you want, and offer an alternative just to be on the safe side.

A Guest List You’re Happy With

A Wedding Guest List Your Happy With 2024
Photo: Auronia

The last thing that we’re going to recommend is that you look into a guest list that you are happy with. Some traditions say you need to invite certain people to your wedding but ignore them. You do not need to invite anyone to your wedding that you do not want to, no matter what anyone says. It doesn’t matter how anyone else feels about that, it only matters that you are surrounded by people who love and support you. Anyone who doesn't isn’t welcome, and that’s the way that it should be.

Wedding Guide and Advice in 2024
Photo: Getty Images 

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do and plan properly to ensure that everything is perfect for your big day. It’s hard, we can understand that there is a lot of stress that comes with planning a wedding, but it’s got to happen. You’ve got to take the time to plan everything out properly, and only then can you be sure that you are going to have the best day possible for you. Good luck, and we hope you have a happy life with your partner when the wedding is over.